
New Study: 80% of Covid-19 Patients Vitamin D Deficient

There may be a link between a lack of Vitamin D and susceptibility to Covid-19.

Researchers at the Journal of Clinical Endocrinology & Metabolism examined 216 Covid-19 patients. 82.2% of the scientists’ patients were deficient in Vitamin D.

Vitamin D is a hormone that is critical for the body to absorb calcium into the bloodstream. It’s primarily produced in the skin as a response to sunlight (amazingly, not all sun is bad) and it can also be absorbed through food.

Vitamin D is also believed to promote healthy bones and teeth. Many studies point to its ability to help protect the immune system–and guard against influenza. As such, Vitamin D is now being linked to possibly better outcomes in cases of Covid-19.

While that link is still being investigated and studied, it’s worth considering the findings of this most recent study done at a hospital in Spain at the Universio Marques de Valdecilla. The results indicated that:

  • 80% of the Covid-19 patients were low in Vitamin D and,
  • men had a lower rate of Vitamin D than women.

For more on the importance of Vitamin D, make sure to read Cait’s newest article on the  “The Vitamins That Help You Nail Your Diet.”

How are you managing to make sure you’re getting enough Vitamin D in the middle of winter? Let us know by scrolling down and commenting below.



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